Sunday Worship: 8:00am | 9:30am Education Hour | 10:45am


Prayer Chain

Behold the Power of Prayer

We, at First English, believe in the power of prayer and that prayer plays an integral part in the daily life of a Christian.  Besides the weekly prayers that happen during our weekly church services, we also encourage prayer by providing Prayer Vigils throughout the year.  These Prayer Vigils encourage our members to support our three missions in prayer and also intercede for members of our church and community who are experiencing trials and difficulties in their lives and are in need of God's care. 

We also have a Prayer Chain.  To activate the prayer chain call Jo Gonnerman 712-260-6766 or the church office at 712-262-5598.

Pastoral Prayers

If you want our pastor to pray for you in his private prayer time, he will do so, as you request here, and all your requests and desires will be kept confidential.  Only Pastor will know, and your prayer wishes will be passed on to his private email account.

Are You Willing To Pray?

Prayer Chain

Are you prayer warrior?  Do you enjoy lifting the needs others before the Lord?  If so, then please consider joining the FELC Prayer-Chain Team by calling our church office at 712-262-5598.

Congregational Prayers

If you are in need of prayer, please contact our church office at 712-262-5598 or fill out the form below and we will make sure to include your needs in our Sunday prayers.